Saturday, January 24, 2009

How to Achieve Every Dream By Creating Accidental Miracles

*I came up with this formula for creating an "accidental miracle" because I found a hard time following this great piece of advice for handling your hopes and dreams and expectations, wishes, and desired outcomes. The wisdom that you will find everywhere is this, "Let it Go." I read it, and I read it, and I read it. But reading it, and actually being able to DO IT, are completely different things.*

Most of us see obstacles as set-backs, but have you ever thought that maybe these things aren't setting us back, maybe they're propelling us forward?

Being "in the flow" of life, is the equivalent of harmonious living_ it is when you are able to perceive obstacles as simply challenges that are propelling you forward.

There was a time in my life, when I found myself STUCK... stuck in...




These were my frustrations...
When was this HELL going to stop?
When was I going to finally succeed at something?
When was I going to stop running into the wall of disappointment?

Then one day, while in deep thought, it came to me...

Create An Accidental Miracle.

Well, what is an accidental miracle?

It is when a miracle occurs in your life, at a time when you weren't even expecting it_ completely by accident.

Now, I am going to teach you how to create an accidental miracle, but first let me explain the challenge that I faced.

Hundreds of thousands of books have been written to prove that your thoughts control your life. Life is really a journey that is trying to teach you this one truth, because once you discover this truth, you will become empowered with the resources to live your dreams and to fulfill your life's purpose.

"Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right"._ Henry Ford

In short, "Change your thoughts and you will change your life".

After reading "what" is required to change your life, you will learn various actions you can take or techniques you can implement that will change your thought patterns. You will learn about affirmations, meditation, maybe self-hypnosis, and various "routines" that are designed to influence the perception of your innermost being.

My method for conscious creation (changing your life by changing your thoughts) takes into consideration the fact that MOST of us are STUCK in patterns/cycles. And no amount of instructions or plans can break those cycles. In other words, the prerequesite to being able to create a new life, is to FIRST be able to work with the LIFE that you already have.

In my past, I have tried this technique...

Write your goals down, then work on them step-by-step_ NEVER WORKED FOR ME.

If you focus on following a goal-plan, it is almost as if you have attached yourself to an outcome; this is not good, because plans don't always go as planned_ failure to achieve a step in your plan, can lead to depression. Some people become so depressed when plans fail, that they stop planning altogether (I am guilty of this myself). It is easier to have no hope, then to hope for something and experience the devestation that comes if the outcome does not go as planned.

For the perfectionist (guilty again), it is the "focus on our dreams" that has kept us from achieving them.

The problem that perfectionist face is that when things don't go as "planned", it tears their world down; they subconsciously feel that everything has to go right_ everything has to go as planned. In my technique, there is no "target" that MUST BE achieved. It is a plan, but it is a plan that is not designed around a specific outcome; it is a plan that is designed around guaranteed outcome_ you WILL get what you want, OR SOMETHING BETTER. This is truely the definition of "Letting it Go."

Many will tell you that achieving your goals is about...
Having a target
Aim for that target
Affirm that target
Visualize it
Meditate on it

and then...

Let it Go.

I don't know how many times I've read those words, "Let it Go", but I have yet to witness someone explain what it means or "HOW" one is to "Let it Go".

Here is the obstacle that those of us who have battled perfectism face, WE CAN'T LET IT GO!

Perfectionism is a habit_ it is a deep-rooted energy force that we have no direct control over. You can't tell a perfectionist to write down a goal, make plans to achieve them, and then "Let it Go", because what happens if things don't go as planned? Your world comes crashing down, THAT'S WHAT!

A better solution for a perfectionist is if they were to create a plan that will get them what they want (or something better), but will not require deadlines or dates or require you to take an everyday look at what you want to achieve in the next 3 months. To put this another way, you should go ahead and create a plan-of-action_ actions you should take that will get you what you want or something better, but do not create deadlines, target dates. Don't create specific targets that you want to happen on a specific day.

Listen... I KNOW that what I am telling you here, goes against every goal-planning guide that you've ever read; but you have to understand that those guides weren't written for everyone. They work for some people, some of the time, and this is written for those people who need a different technique.

So, here is the universal formula that I believe should work for most people...

Work a little on your dreams, and A LOT on living in the NOW and working with your present life. If you do it this way, you are not overly consumed by the outcome, and you are able to transition into your new-life_ unawaringly_ completely by ACCIDENT.

Instead of being disappointed because things didn't go "as-planned", you find yourself pleasantly surprised and feeling amazingly blessed, when you realize that you are living your dreams.

My plan is simple, yet affective...

Enjoy each moment of everyday with extreme gratitude_ never allow your self to feel as if you are lacking in any area of your life.

Take time each day to imagine that everything you want is already so; and use your mouth to speak your goals as if they are already so.

Example: "I am a successful, prosperous individual, living in my beautiful home, and driving a new car".

Speak positive words into your life everyday_ all throughout your day, and when you say them, see the fulfillment_ the actualization of it, in your mind.

*Key point to changing any aspect of your life - Whatever you want to show up in your future, you must act like and speak like it is already yours_ not something that you are wishing/hoping to show up in your future, but something that is already in your present.

As you think of your goals/plans everyday, remember to add these words onto the end of your plan, "I accept this or something better."

Example: "I see myself in a 2006 Silver Lincoln Navigator. I accept this, or something better".

The results that you are GUARANTEED to see, is the manifestation of whatever you want. And if not what you want, you'll get something better. This is HOW to "Let it Go".

The key element that produces abundance, is gratitude. If you can learn to be grateful_ even for the things that your physical eyes cannot yet see, then you will discover that there is not one thing on this earth, that you cannot obtain.

Gratitude is the secret ingredient that I discovered can get you anything. Be grateful for the seen and the unseen. Know that everything you want is already yours. And even when things don't go as planned, that is always a sign that there is something BETTER for you.

Count your blessings and your blessings never stop.

"When we start to count the flowers, we cease to count the weeds
When we start to count our blessings, we cease to count our needs"

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